14 November 2006

The Trials of Only Having One Key

There is a reason people aren't meant to be up and out of bed before 7am. And it is the reason by I am sitting in the computer suite at College alone writing in my blog. Your mental gears just haven't kicked in at that time of the morning!.

I got up, pulled on some clothes and headed out the door to come up to the main building for morning duties (which start at 7am) and was woken by the sound of my shutting my front door, only to realise my keys were still inside.

I'm losing track of how often this happens, and it is ever so slightly embarrassing having to go to the appropriate persons to get the spare key - this time, I have decided to wait until they arrive for work at 8am, hence me sitting checking my emails and blogging so early on in the day.

Last time (well, I think it was last time...it happens so often) was in the middle of the night after Livefire (the Youth events) at New Zeal (an Army conference about a month ago). That time, being past midnight, I didn't want to wake up the Donaldsons (the training principal) so I rang Simon, who used to be a fireman and has a knack for breaking into houses. But Dad would have been soooo proud and the house was so secure that even Si couldn't get in. Fortunately, about an hour later after many, many attempts, including trying to bash down my front door down, I did get inside. But that was definitely the most dramatic of all the times so far this year I have locked myself out.

Simon didn't offer his services this morning, though, so I guess I will just patiently await the arrival of the staff at the main building.


Aunty Bob said...

Oh Corryn - Aunty Bob would like to say you are soooo normal - never change ok.

Corryn said...

Coming from someone who locked themselves out, got the Education Officer to get the keys to unlock it .... only to find the door unlocked ....well, Sue, that means a lot. Hahaha.

Aunty Bob said...

Anyway Corryn - like I said you are sooo normal and thank you for not changing.