The joke's on me
So after our last two days gardening, I woke to sore thigh muscles. You just don't think of stretching before gardening.
And this morning, as I pulled back the curtains in my lounge, I saw this sight:

And I cracked up laughing. The joke is fully on me. Congrats boys.
A good chunk of the leaves etc are now blocking my exit out the back door. I haven't pinned it down yet as to exactly who was responsible, so I am just doing to have to prank back all the suspects.
I'm now just waiting until Gabbie, Kendal and Hudson come to play later in the day and I'll make some game out of moving the leaves before they completely compost.
Maybe a handsome prince in shining armour will cut his way through the undergrowth and rescue you.
Bob's Your Aunty update...I did discover the culprits and also found out the leaves had been there two days before I noticed them. I knew I needed new glasses...
When I stood beside them, the height nearly reached my chin.
Anywho the wind (surprise surprise in Wellington!) picked up this afternoon and the leaves they started a-moving so I got cleaning up myself, and did get some help about 2/3's through it. (Thanks Kev!)
Thus, the back door is now in use again, after 7 1/2 big black rubbish bags and the old bread bag that is about another 3 big black bags worth. A lot of leaves.
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