23 November 2006

One laugh down, 299 to go!

I read yesterday that a six year old laughs on average 300 times a day while an adult laughs 5-100. That's truly sad! I am determined today to reach as close to that 300 as I can! (And since I often laugh at myself, surely this is attainable.)

So let me share my first laugh for the morning!

After duties I was wandering down to the computer suite for my early morning email check and Karen was walking up the stairs to my left (back away from me). So I wolf whistled but by the time she would have turned around, I would have been out of her line of vision.

The funny thing (that I was completely oblivious to!) was that Kevin was right behind me. Thus it didn't look like I had whistled, but Kevin! Lol. Sorry, Janette! (Kevin's wife)

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