29 November 2006

The Craft Show Fundraiser

Uh yes ... so the big fundraiser for the William Booth Educare (preschool) each year is a Craft Show, where all sorts of local people come and buy a table at which to sell their crafts and let me say, they came in droves. Now, I have never been before so I have nothing to compare it with but there was definitely some cool stuff.

I was just trying to find my wallet at home when I had a knock on the door to find my friend Kelly standing on my doorstep with Suse (sorry if I've mispelt that!) and so we all wandered up to the main building together.

Now, to give a bit of background to this story, Kelly used to be my flatmate up in Hamilton and we both trained as primary school teachers at Waikato Uni. When I ended up going into ministry rather than teaching, Kelly was kind enough to take all my resources off my hands - no small feat either, her car was chocka! So she has it all now in her classroom over in J'ville.

Anywhos last night, Kelly and I were looking at these alphabet cards teachers put on their classroom walls - you know the ones: each with a letter of the alphabet and a picture of something starting with that letter on it.

The convo started out with me saying, "Kel, you should get these."

"What am I going to do with them?"

"Stick them up on your walls."

"I've got stuff on my walls already."

"That's true," I said. "You have lots of rubbish already."(Meaning all my old stuff!)

Of course, the craft lady of that particular table misheard us and thought we were saying her stuff was rubbish.

"Oh no," says Corryn. "She's a teacher. I was talking about her stuff."

Then we heard about how this on her table was good quality stuff and very educational. We felt very tut-tutted by the time we walked away.

If that was the final end of the story, fine. But Kelly went home, as did I, only I had to go back up to pick up something, and guess who I met as I came out the door! Let's just say the alphabet card lady didn't smile at me.


But it was a great night. I didn't have lots of money so I only bought a necklace and some fudge. Anyway, there's always next year ...

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