13 November 2006

Driving with the Kaz

As many of you will know, I am the most sophisticated, graceful woman around. Okay, maybe I have some improvements to be made but I take great delight in informing the world that I am rubbing off onto others.

For years my driving abilities have been the butt of others jokes, particularly all year by Miss Karen on our way to Levin cos if I start talking and get excited, I lose concentration. Imagine my delight, yet secret fear, when Karen - in the BCM van - kept driving erratically up onto the curb recently. (She also has this habit of honking the car horn in the McDs drivethru. If anyone has ideas as to how I can encourage the end of this shocking behaviour, let me know.)

You will also know my poor hand-mouth co-ordination when it comes to feeding. I don't know how I do it, but I always spill something. Another skill, it appears, I have passed onto Karen. Yesterday, on our way back from Levin, we stopped for a drink and Karen spilt diet coke all down the front of her uniform. I haven't laughed so hard in years. Perfect Karen has a flaw - she can't sip through a straw! Hahaha! I love you Kaz! Truly!


KJ said...

Lies... lies... all of its lies! - well except the spilling of the diet coke and two curbs that happened to find their way under the van's tyres a fortnight ago!

Let me clarify just a few things - dear Crin's loss of 'concentration' equates to getting all excited, talking even faster, and removing her foot gradually from the gas pedal! - some Sunday's I wondered whether we'd ever make it home from Levin!... and if anyone has a solution to stop the Crin from honking my horn at randomly inappropriate moments, please advise as I'm out of cable ties!

But, in light of all Crin's craziness, do not misinterpret me... the Kaz *can't believe that has spread already!!* has 'much fun' with the Crin and will always have 'much respect' for the Crin!

Corryn said...

Oh Kaz/Kren/Capn ... you do make me laugh!