15 November 2006

Ode to Marcus

You would not believe the hassles I have been getting since getting a blog. For example, my dear friend Marcus, whom I greatly admire and respect, mocked me just now then said, "Oh I have to blog this."

I, personally, think Marcus is just a little jealous that he has no said blog of his own in which to express his manly feelings.

I would also like to take this opportunity to teach Mr Marcus how to speak. The name is pronounced Smith. Not Smiff. Smuff. Smoff. or Smythe.

But, Marcus, I hope now, seeing your name on my blog 4 times, your friend tank has been filled.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Definitely jealous and has underestimated the power of the blog on the human psyche - which is why you and me are so sane - eh Corryn?