12 June 2007

Peace that Transcends Understanding

I've been sitting on the computer suite organising bits and pieces for the Mission Weekend this weekend in Levin and for my RE next week (Bible in Schools), Delirious is blaring out of the computer speaker and Tiko sings along every now and again from across the room ... and I am sitting here and I just realised how content I am with my life.

Not that life is quiet - quite the contrary and it only promises to get busier - but I have this underlying peace and contentment that I am exactly in the place I am meant to be, doing what I am meant to be doing, and just floating in this little place where my heart is completely enveloped in God's. And it sounds crazy but it feels like I'm resting against His chest and at this moment fully aware of His delight in me - like a little kid and her daddy.

It's good to be in this safe spot.

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