25 June 2007
23 June 2007

Predominantly, I have been thinking of Uncle Bob and Nana. Tomorrow it is one year since Uncle Bob died, and in three weeks, it has been a year since Nana's death. It seems both a lifetime ago and yet as if it happened yesterday.
I don't think you ever get used to them being gone, but you adjust to life without them. It has taken me until the last couple of months to let myself grieve. I still feel these holes in my heart. It still doesn't seem right visiting Aunty Val or Popa without their spouse being there as well. But I know they are with Jesus, in the best place, and I celebrate that one day I will be with them in God's presence as well.
I've also been thinking a lot of the future. In six months I will be a SA officer, the fulfillment of the vision I had over ten years ago. I have no idea what exactly my role will be, what town I'll be living in, how my life will change next. I'm excited and terrified all at the same time. I'm no longer petrified of walking the journey alone because I have learnt that I'm not. Not only do I have friends and colleagues who support me, but the Creator of the Universe is holding my hand. I couldn't possibly be in a better position! I feel like I am stepping out of the boat onto the water. I feel incredibly at peace.
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22 June 2007
It could happen to anyone, but always happens to Corryn!
"Who is it?"
"Old? Young? Male? Female?"
"Male. Older."
I get to the foyer and there is this Maori fella on the couch who I don't recognise in the least. I figure if I talk to him, hopefully a few clues as to how we know each other will emerge. Thus I enthusiastically greet him, "Hey! How are you doing? How can I help you?"
He smiles kind of awkwardly at me, mumbles something and leaves with a slight wave.
Turns out the guy who was looking for me wandering down to my place and I had just greeted a complete stranger. What he must think of us loonies at BCM!?! I confess, I laughed hard.
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Babysitting the Stevens: Day Three
We ended up watching Barbie and Teletubbies DVDs and while I got dinner ready, God put on a magnificent lightning and thunder show (which I confess made me jump several times!) that according to my calculations was pretty much right above us. So I prayed for Sue and Si's safety.
This morning I used reverse psychology to get Monique dressed, (she IS as stubborn as Si - reminding me of the many times I was told I was 'stubborn like my father'!) and I made it into a competition for Kendal. But we broke a record: I took Niquey to Educare with me being fully dressed AND hair done AND makeup applied!!
But, fortunately for the girls, my babysitting stint is over. Sue and Simon arrived home and the girls are now safely back in their care. My mission (keep them fed, dressed and alive) succeeded! SHOT!
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21 June 2007
Babysitting the Stevens: Day Two
Then I came home to pick up the girls and got tea ready, homework, yadda yadda. They took a long time to get to sleep - Monique wanted Mummy - but she went to Lala land pretty soon. I had my suspicions (later confirmed by Monique) that actually Kendal wouldn't stop talking.
I woke this morning to Kendal standing at the edge of my bed. She proceeded to push me over so she could get in. The early morning cuddle was nice. The cold side of the bed wasn't. But on the plus side, the routine seemed to go along smoother today than yesterday, and Kendal was even ready when Naomi and Reuben came to get her. Monique was even the fourth kid to Educare so we were truly on a roll! The only thing was that I didn't manage to get ready. Yes, tiding up the house, makeup, and my bfast had to wait til I got back. (Don't worry - I was fully dressed and had hair kind of done when I took Niquey to kindy!)
Somehow the girls have got the idea that after school we are going shopping for Mum's (Sue's) birthday present for next week. I don't know where that has come from. According to them, Corryn has loads of money (I wish I knew where I put it!!). But I think that birthday shopping should be a job for Dad (aka Si) when they get home from their tramp. So instead I might bribe them with a DVD from the video store though - Sue left popcorn for us. That would be a treat. And will preoccupy a couple of hours!
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20 June 2007
Babysitting the Stevens: Day One
Trying to keep to their morning routine was harder than I expected because they just wanted to do the fun things we usually do together. And Kendal mucked around like she had all the time in the world. Needless to say, I was exasperated greatly when, as Stu and Naomi came to take her to school, she pulled out her hair (that I had spent a great deal of effort in doing!) so I had to do a rush job. Teach me for being creative on long hair!
I managed to get jackets and gloves on, only Kendal would wear a beanie, but this was more than I had been told to expect so I counted my blessings. But then trying to get Niquey to walk with me to Educare was slow. She wanted to ride her bike, which we discovered outside, thus covered in thick ice. So trying to tell her she couldn't ride it, and then not to play with it because we had to get to kindy asap ... sigh ... thank goodness Annette and Emily wandered past so I could sidetrack her attention.
So here I sit, pondering the happenings for dinner, and when I am going to fit in my shower. At least they are currently fed and dressed and content. That is my aim for the next 3 days. I'll let you know if I succeed.
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18 June 2007
Mission Weekend Levin Styles
Here's just some funny and gorgeous photos. From top left going clockwise: Rochelle; some of our kids at church Sunday morning; my cousin Joel napping; Cody and Naomi; Shelley, Tiko and Steve (strange lot those first years); and Suzanne singing.
During the morning service: The College kids helped me lead a song "Hip-hip-hip-hippopotamus"; the Levin music team; Tiko and me; the Head and Foot in the Dr Paul show.
"Gimme 5" (Our version of Hi-5); Steve Flinstone yawning; Simeon Batman; Kylie and me; Lachie on the bass; Naomes and Julie.
Susie; Tiko hanging from a tree; Me getting a hug from cousin Isaac; My billets and cousins Mikayla, Debra and Cassandra doing light reading in bed; Me and Kendal; Cousin Steph.
It was awesome weekend away and would write about it, but Monique is demanding my attention so maybe laters. Ciao.
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14 June 2007
Tiko a.k.a Dr Paul
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12 June 2007
Peace that Transcends Understanding
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8 June 2007
Keeping the Aquarium
Dr. Kermit Long says, “With all our education, our fine buildings, our image of the church, we are doing less to win people to Christ than our unschooled forefathers did. We’re no longer fishers of men, but keepers of the aquarium, and we spend most of our time swiping fish from each other’s bowl.” — Christian Victory
Tan, P. L. (1996, c1979). Encyclopedia of 7700 illustrations : A treasury of illustrations, anecdotes, facts and quotations for pastors, teachers and Christian workers. Garland TX: Bible Communications.
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7 June 2007
5 June 2007
The Visit of K, L and M
Kelly stayed with her aunt, who is one of the officers on staff here, and Lucy and Michael stayed with me. I will say it was really nice getting to know Michael better, and for the record he meets with my approval. I think he is a lovely guy and is perfectly matched for my dear Lucy M.
On the Sunday, Lucy and Michael were meant to meet me at Mana (my corps/church) but arrived sheepishly during a prayer 45 minutes into the meeting because they were VERY lost. (If you know Wellington, they were driving north from town, but missed the turnoff to Porirua and instead went to the Hutt. They could have gone over the Haywards but didn't realise you could, so turned around and ventured back into the city to try again. This is why you always have a map!)
We spent a bit of time trying to work out if they were to hyphen their surnames (once they were married) what they could be. Clement + Mollekin =
Clementollekin? Clemollekin? Clemollekinment? Molclementlekin? Mollement? Oh the options are endless! Lucy's settled for Clement but is still keeping Mollekin for her professional stuff (Lucia Designs - keep an eye out in dress stores near you!)
Lucy and I also had to share my double bed (Michael was in my single). Something we haven't done since we were much younger. I thought I touched Lucy's head so kept right to the very edge of the bed, only to later find what I thought was Luce was actually her tri-pillow (which took up most of the bed.
She also cracked me up in the morning - in absolute confusion as to why I was cuddled down right into my duvets when she was so hot she was nearly on top of them. In her words: she slept "on a hot plate." The investigation found that my very clever friend left her electric blanket on all night.
Anywhos, it was fab seeing them again and I look forward to seeing them in about a month during recess. (Haha - you can't get away from me that easily!)
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4 June 2007
Exercise - the Bane of my Life
I have a cut on my toe (I don't know exactly how that happened), I've burnt my thumb (hair straightener), I've prayed for rain (and believe it or not now the dark clouds have cleared up somewhat!), I offered to exercise in the gym here instead of going outside, and Shelley even offered to kidnap me. Sigh.
If I don't survive because my lungs exploded or my heart stopped or my legs collapsed (all three highly likelihoods, might I add!), please tell my parents that I love them and tell Matt he can have all my DVDs and CDs.
I am wondering why I agreed to this insanity.
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2 June 2007
Riding without Training Wheels
I haven't felt quite like this since the day I told Colin and Roselynn I felt God was telling me that now was the time to apply for officership.
To give you a little more context, Robert (our Training Principal) had meetings with us (the 2nd years) regarding our thoughts etc about where God might want us to serve in our appointments next year, about our passions, gifts, abilities, past experiences, etc.

So ... after much trying to negotiate with God (which by the way is pointless!) I realised that He has never let me down in the past and actually the best moments of my life have been when I have been absolutely reckless in my faith in God.
So I just took the training wheels off my bike. I went and saw Robert and removed the conditions I had set on God's will for my life. I told Robert I was willing to do completely anything. And I trust God to sustain and maintain me as I strive to serve Him more and extend His Kingdom.
Though, I must confess, as scary as it is biking without training wheels, there is a freedom in my heart I can't explain. It will be interesting to see what unfolds next
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