1 May 2007

Some thoughts from the weird world of BCM

So a few things have been said around the College that has made me smile, and in some cases laugh out loud, so I thought I'd share them...

In the middle of our Foundations for Mission class, Simon says: "I think-" "Isn't that incompatible?" interrupted Annette.

Last night I was babysitting Kendal (birthday in December) and Monique (birthday in September), when Kendal (aged 5 AND A HALF - can't get that wrong!!) came up to me and said, "Do you know what's funny? I'm older than Monique and I'm taller than Monique, but her birthday is before mine!" Then she started laughing uncontrollably. What the heck are Sue and Si feeding these kids!?!

And lastly...
I'm still seriously considering taking Kevin's advice about our Out-Training Assignment, due Friday. Part of it is a 3000 word reflection, which I am having a hard time focussing on. He suggested instead of writing an essay, I just hand in three photographs for ... a picture's worth a thousand words.

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