2 May 2007

College Kids 2007

I've never seen so many kids of so many backgrounds and ages get along so well as this year at College. (Albeit, there are some moments of tense standoffs and general playground arguments!) Thus, I had to do a little intro to show you the kids who have stolen our hearts, and most of the lollies from our houses- well, at least mine!
Above from left: Monique, Christina, Emily, Kendal and Patrick ... these are the kids of my session (God's Fellow Workers 06-07) and-
Below from left: Louie, Kayla, Hannah, Naomi, Ethan (in front), Simeon, Cody, Reuben and Terry ... the first year kids (Witnesses for Christ 07-08)
Plus there are three staff kids on campus: Tim (if you can really call him a kid!), Sarah and Kate. I don't have a photo of them, sorry.

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