13 May 2007

Mother's Day 2007

So Mum, Dad, Matt and Popa came down to Palmerston North for the weekend, being the first Mother's Day since Nana died, Mum wanted to spend it with Aunty Val (who funnily enough lives in Palmy.) Thus, I drove up Friday night and came home late Saturday night as I had to be at the Army down here for actual Mother's Day.

It was awesome getting away - something I really needed to do - and awesome catching up with everyone. I hadn't seen Popa since Christmas and he is looking a little older and frailer, though he is now 93.

We had a few good laughs, most of which I can't share on such a public forum. Anywho, here are some family snaps, including a fav of my bro Matt and my darling mum - the BEST mother in the world!!!
Matt and I try to have a nice photo but Mum pushed her head in between.
Unbeknownst to the other sibling, we were both licking Mum.
And when we realised what had happened, I cried from laughing so hard.
Clockwise from top left: Mum and Aunty Val with Popa (Just a little family resemblance!!); Dad with Christine and Mike's daughter Madeline; Popa and Aunty Val asleep (there's always someone!); My cousin Christine and her husband, Mike.

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