22 May 2007

The Elusive Word

Anytime I am procrastinating I tend to blog, and today is no different. While officially I am 'working on my Gospel of John' assignment, unofficially ... well, you know what I'm really up to!

But I thought I'd give you a little laugh at my expense because I just said one of those things that make me wonder if my academic brilliance was a fluke!

I was talking about about my cut finger (poor Rinny!) to James and said something along the lines of, "Yeah, it's healing but it's gonna have ... like ... one of those things ... ummm ..."

James' helpful answer: "A scar?"

Oh my gosh. I must be working too hard! Time for a game of Spider Solitaire I say!!


CheekyUkie said...

nice to see some things never change lol

Aunty Bob said...

I think the word you may have been looking for was wedding ring! (Being your ring finger and all and I know that's 2 words)

Anonymous said...

Sounds lke what you really needed was a can of V and a chocolate bar.

Corryn said...

SUSAN!! I think you be a little mistaken.

Second... The V and chocolate bar sound delish but I'm on my routine, and I don't think Simon would allow me. :(