7 May 2007

Malo e lelei!!

So I have some good news to share that I realised I haven't yet ... guess where I am going for a week in our winter recess ... ah yup ... Tonga, aka the Friendly Islands. For various reasons, including my (hopefully) commissioning at the end of the year, Mum and Dad have shouted me a trip to Tonga for a week in July with my beautiful friends the Siufanga's.

I'll be travelling back with them and staying at their parents, Sila and Malia (click here, I googled them and this is what I found. Hard-workers for Jesus - woop woop!) Lol.

Anywho, I'm so excited. Hopefully my new passport arrived this week - my old one expires while in Tonga - and I am finally going to see the place the rest of my family have been to!! (Dad, Mum and Matt have all been with the Hamilton City band on trips in the past.) Actually more than anything else I am excited about experiencing a new culture and spending time with some of the godliest people I know.

Tiko told me I was saying 'Malo e lelei' wrong (but he's Fijian, so I'm telling myself it's his accent!) I hope I won't embarrass the Siufanga's too much with my poor skills. Rochelle and Sarah (who have both lived in Tonga for a time) have been trying to teach me some other words but my memory's so bad. Could be interesting. But listen to this email Natasha sent me when I told her (it made me laugh for ages):

"One of the greatest words you need to know is "tulou" pronounced "too-low"....as in when the english missionaries came to tonga and walked into our little village huts the doors were "too low' for them to walk through...so Tongans thought it meant "excuse me" cos they always walked in saying "too low" as they walked passed the tongans sitting down, so it means "excuse me" and when you say that you will be the best 'palangi' our family has seen...haha...just kidding... "


Anywho...will update you on my adventures as they unfold. Wooooooooohooooooo!!

1 comment:

Aunty Bob said...

That's so cool Corryn. Can't believe you're nearly half way through the year.