31 July 2007


So last night, I went to watch the BCM boys play basketball down in Lower Hutt. A first for me even sitting through a whole game of basketball, but I managed to work out enough to follow the games fairly well.

The first one I watched was a final between two teams (the boys were on duties - reffing and such) and was highly entertaining, due in part to Tiko reffing but having no clue what he was doing and to the presence of a tall American player who proceeded to tell the ref and/or scorekeeper if something wasn't up to scratch. His team was leading for the whole game - that is, until the very end when the two teams were tied ... and the other team scored one extra point in the last 20 seconds due to a foul. Gutted for American's team, but yay for the other team (that I had been secretly cheering for because 1, they were always chasing; and 2, the American got more heated when they got close on the scoreboard.)

Anywho, I had actually attended to be the cheerleader/photographer for the History Book, plus it was a good night out, though I was quickly reminded on arrival of a particular male smell that I could have done without. I also had a couple of slightly embarrassing moments - the only one I will mention is when I went into the men's toilets, thinking it was the ladies. Oops.

The BCM team had made it to the semi's - yay - but gracefully lost by a narrow margin (of about 50 points lol.) Nonetheless, t'was a good evening out. Enjoy a few of the photos:
Last night's team:
Murray in the back; in the middle is Big Tim, James, Perry, Lachie, Bert; and in the front is Beau, Aaron and Tiko.


Anonymous said...

From Crin who can't be bothered to log in:

A ha ha.
I just realised that in all those photos of the boys playing basketball, the guy putting the ball in the hoop is the same: Tim.

KylieT said...

Hi Crin

It's me!