Home Makeover - GFW's styles
Yesterday, some of my session had an extended morning tea as we had no class following it, and so as Janine left, she asked us to pass a message to visiting Commissioner Phil Needham that their house was open. I smiled slyly but she didn't notice. We quickly passed on the message and split, agreeing to meet up at our lovely Training Principal's home armed with glad wrap, toilet paper, confetti and post-it notes, and spent the better part of the half hour rearranging the lounge, kitchen etc., and doing it all over.
Mwa ha ha!
I wanted to blog about it yesterday but didn't, trying to keep my anonymity, however my cover was blown this morning when Robert saw me. Darn this beautiful honest face. I just can't not smile!
The Kitchen. He he - I rearranged some of the cupboards too. And I hope they looked in the microwave!
I think my job here is done. Paki paki.

Comm. Phil Needham's only request was that we save a seat for him to sit in. (NB - the cabinet to the right was not only glad wrapped around it, but every dish inside was done individually also. Hehe.)
Glad to see you have finally made it into the Donaldson's house, now you just got to do the outside :)
Ahhhhh da good ol' days of training college pranks lol
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