31 January 2007

Yet Another Driving Story with Corryn

So I went to Warehouse Stationery yesterday to pick up some stuff with one of the youth here, Amy (Jane's daughter).

As we left, I wasn't too sure how to get back to the Army, as we were in a part of town I haven't actually had to explore yet but Amy was sidetracked with texting boys and so I turned a corner and was going only about 20km, trying to get Amy's attention and working out where I was all at the same time. (Keeping in mind I had about 10 minutes to get to the Army to swap vehicles, drop Amy at home and make it to the airport to pick up Mum and Dad).

And then the funniest thing of all happened: A scooter overtook us. (moped...not the kids ones!) And I just lost it. Oh oh oh how funny!!

In the midst of me laughing, I did text a few friends and I think Sue and Simon said it best when they answered how I must be really getting into the slow South Island way of life!

(No offense to all my S.I readers!!)

1 comment:

Aunty Bob said...

It's cause you have South Island blood Corryn - you just can't help