28 January 2007

Pub Crawl Army style

I will confess, ‘doing the hotels’ has never been something I have been amping to do. The idea of a little Sally girl going round the pubs with a stack of War Cry’s (The Army magazine) and asking for money has never been high on my Ten-things-to-do-before-I-die list. Actually I thought the idea was rather quaint and old fashioned and if anything it was on my list of Top-ten-things-to-avoid-wherever-possible.

However, I’ve now done it three times in Timaru, twice by myself. I can’t say it is part of my ministry I enjoy (by the time Friday night comes I am ready to chill and put my feet up … in the words of Aaradna, enjoy some “d-o-w-downtime”) but it does help the Army PR and I have met some interesting people.

And had several moments which left me blushing (mostly by men a little older than Dad, who recognised I had no ring on a very important finger.) But I do smile that I can get more money out of the young guys than Rex (the officer). Simon thinks its because they like women in uniform. Haha.

Anywho, pubs in Timaru has definitely been more successful than in Upper Hutt. Though I wonder if that has more to do with the groundwork Rex has laid than me. Oh wells.

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