I can only surmise that the creator of the shoe style stiletto was of the male gender. Only a man would come up with the idea of adding sticks to the backs of shoes, a modern form of torture. Though, I give him credit for being smart enough to not wear them himself. Why not give them to his wife? After all, this woman species already applies layers to her face, dye to her hair, and perfume (because she has to smell beautiful as well as look it!) Why not add another crazy monstrosity to the list of things a woman does in order to be preened and beautiful.
I got home from standing on my heels at church for hours with my feet aching and ponder, while rubbing my throbbing feet at why I - a smart, educated, well-rounded young woman - volunteeringly slips my feet each week into said torture tools, a.k.a. stilettos.
I can come up with one reason: Hot tomales, they make my calves look good!!
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