Yesiree, as the title states, the Stevens whanau finally ventured to the land of the Ru (Timaru, not kangaroo, just to clarify.) Though, on a side note, did you know, there is this little hick town in between Timaru and Oamaru called Waimate, which is the home to wallabies. At first I thought it was a joke, cos I thought they were native to Australia, but's true! Just in that particular area (which is quite small!) there lives wallabies. Crazy this South Island!
Anywhos back to the real blog... Last night Si, Sue, Kendal and Monique arrived and after I forcefed rather quickly dinner down their throats, we went off to Kidsclub because I knew they had special guests ... firemen!! Whooohoo! Oops. I was corrected: firepersons. (Though, incidentally, they were all men. PC madness!) So the girls had a play with the other kids all over the brand new firetruck
This morning we headed down to Caroline Bay and the girls had a play in the water, clothes and all, as you can tell by the photos below. My funniest moment was watching Monique running from a wave, tripping and face planting. Don't worry, she was alright, though soaking wet. After that incident, she purposely bent down to put her head in the water. Kids, aye!

On the way back up to the house, the girls met two sausage dogs (Pixie and Luke, if I heard correctly) who were out for their morning waddle. The action never ends!

Above: Sue and Si keeping a parently eye on the girls in the water.
We also booked our ferries home to Wellington, which is only three short weeks away now, but seems rather weird. It feels like such a lifetime ago since we were there, and I am going to miss the people here, but I'm looking forward to catching up with my session mates and my old friends in the new session, who will I suppose by this stage feel quite settled now at College.