31 August 2007

Some Quotes

Elbert Hubbard: Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.

George Eliot: What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?

Isaac Asimov: If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn't brood. I'd type a little faster.

Mark Twain: Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

Oliver Wendell Holmes: It's faith in something and enthusiasm for something that makes a life worth living.

Sarah Ban Breathnach: An authentic life is the most personal form of worship. Everyday life has become my prayer.

Thomas Jefferson: It is in our lives and not our words that our religion must be read.

Winston Churchill: We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.

26 August 2007

Curry Night

So last night we had "Curry Night", where everyone took up a curry to the Dining Hall and we had a mean as feed. Spicy all round - though I confess, I stuck with the very incredibly, can hardly taste it curry. I've never been that adventurous when it comes to my food, and I confess after my sick episode in Tonga, I'm even more cautious. However, it was a great nite all round.

22 August 2007


So I just got off the phone to Mum, who told me something my dear old Popa (pictured left with me and Matt in May) said today.

See, Popa is moving to a different resthome on Friday and was a little concerned about whether or not he was "allowed out" on the weekends, particularly to my Commissioning at the end of the year. Except when he asked Mum, it went more along the lines of if he would still be allowed "to go to Wellington for the granddaughter being rabbi-ed." Cute.

21 August 2007

A little poem

I found this little poem put out by Mainly Music, when I lived down in Timaru. I think its pretty cool and sums up me.

Sometimes I feel so inadequate,
I start to question am I ready for the things you ask?
My words are not so eloquent
but if I speak the truth in love
even simple words are equal to the task.
Oh Lord, let Your Spirit rise within me
until the world cannot deny that You exist.
This is my only passion,
this is the reason why I live:
to make You known,
to make You seen,
to be Your hands and to be Your feet.
I want to be a revelation of love.
I want to make the invisible God - visible.

20 August 2007

Personal DNA

So I did a personality test. Click on this link to find out what it came out as and let me know if you think they were on target or way off the mark!

15 August 2007

The Pegging Spreads

One website to check out:

Yeah ... they pegged my house.

Revenge will be mine.

13 August 2007

More Pegging!

James is sooooo close, but still doesn't find them. Mwa ha ha!


Steve has no clue what just happened.

Robert thought I was giving him a hug, but on his first day back after Fiji, he got pegged!

Caroline. Double pegged.
Aunty Sue thought she came to BCM for a conference. I know she came to be pegged.
I had to bend twice, but I double pegged Suzanne.

9 August 2007

You are a BEAUTIFUL Human Being


So Pegging. I was emailed by Phil with the following explanation:

The 'Pegging' phenomenon is just taking off in the UK. The action of pegging requires a peg and a victim. The aim is to attach a peg to a victim without them knowing. A peg that is captured on film and shared for all to see is crucial.

As you will see there are many types of pegs some harder to perfrom than others. The more tricky the peg the more props you receive from your pegging peers.

The challenge was set. And I'm hooked by the challenge.

So I'm not too good yet (people around here were already suspicious of me before pegging took place!) but I will improve. In the meantime, enjoy my first Pegging Experience.


Rochelle. Double pegged. I reckon I could have put in more but I ran out of pegs. D'oh.

James. Another time I think more pegs in the dreads would have been possible had I had more pegs with me.Andrew, who made me laugh. Double pegged - first by Murray, then myself - and despite people making jokes about pegs and his tail, he still didn't click. Lol.

Ross. Finally epaulettes came in handy.

5 August 2007

Kendal and Naomi Picasso

So Kendal (5) and Naomi (7) spent a good deal of time at my house yesterday, watching 'The Sound of Music' (they were both excited to see the grandmother from 'The Princess Diaries' young - though wanted to know where Princess Mia was ... sigh ...) and we also drew pictures, so I thought I'd share my favourites with you...

4 August 2007


So it's been a little crazy the past 24 hours. Yesterday my 13-yr-old cousin and her parents were told that she has Hodgkins Disease.

I rang Dad when I got the text and, after talking to him, had a big cry with Janine. I talked to Mum this morning as well. I think she is very much in the "God, why??" space, and is fully wishing Nan and Grandad (Dad's parents) were still alive.

One thing I've learnt after my "trying-to-deal-with-having-epilepsy" and the many other health problems my family have had over the years, is you pretty much have to just hold onto God and ride it out. That's where I am at the moment. But I still have a lot of questions for God. It's hard trusting when things go pear shaped - or upside down and back to front. But I am still convinced that He loves us unconditionally and He never leaves our side.

And I believe that for my family. I know that as out of control as they must feel, God has His hand in it all - He is still in control. And I know He loves them each. My prayer is that they each be acutely aware of His presence and love at this time as they process the news. I ask that you also send up a prayer for them too.

It is hard being down here in Wellington, just wanting to give them a hug and comfort them in some way. At least God is there. Still God .... this sucks.