10 May 2007

The trek to Spiritual Day

So I just had one of those moments that you wish you had a camera to capture it on. Today is Spiritual Day (the joke being 'the only day we're spiritual'). Thus we get all decked out in full uniform and attend meetings, today being run by the TC. But that's not my story.

I get all in my uniform and check outside it's not raining before I venture up the road towards the main building. About three metres from my house, the rain turns to drizzle. Within a metre, it's raining.

I try to walk faster, which is near impossible in my stilletos. So I make the call. Either the shoes or the hair is going to go. The stillettos come off. In my little stocking feet, I begin to run up to the building.

I'm about half way when I remember this skirt is a little big for me when the gravtitational forces begin pulling it down.

Picture me, if you will, in stockings, holding my shoes/bible/bag/skirt up, running. Laughing as then my stockings start to come down.

Fortunately, I made it to the main building in time to re-adjust myself before the others arrive. Phew!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha ha I can just imagine it now, makes me smile :o) Wish I was there to see it, Hope all is well with you and Windy ole Wellies.
Loads of Love