22 May 2007

Personal Trainer? Personal Slacker!

So my alarm went off when it was still way too dark, but I jumped out of bed, put on my exercise gears and trodded up to the main building for my session with Si.

The building was in pitch black darkness. The annoying thing was I couldn't even get in to do my own thing because Simon or Tiko or Stu or someone has the key and don't usually open it until 7am. And it was too dark for me to feel safe enough to walk the streets of Upper Hutt by myself. So I went back to bed.

Simon the slacker. Apparently he set his alarm wrong and it went off at 6:45am. Sigh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well at least you can say you were committed :-)
Look forward to seeing you on Friday….. that’s if I don’t get lost lol