4 February 2008

These are the Days of our Lives

It seems like I hit the ground running and I haven't yet come up for air - this is the best description of my first month in Christchurch. I pretty much arrived, then within a week took off north for Make Change and Parachute, and arrived back in the middle of last week, went back to the officer, spent the weekend at the Linwood Corps Camp, and here I am again, with Nelson looming on the horizon.

Make Change and Parachute were awesome. I met heaps of the youth from down this way - even if I didn't realise there was any from Blenheim or Belfast until the final Sunday - oops! God fully showed up at Make Change (as we had prayed for!) and heck ... well, it's hard to put into words aye sometimes all that happens. But God is good and He is faithful and He met me as well as many young people there and spoke pretty powerfully into our lives.

It was cool catching up with so many old friends from around the country, and of course, making new ones, though I found it quite strange to be at this event that I hadn't really been part of organising but was labelled as part of the team because of my new role. But I tried to help out where I could, and it was definitely helpful that I knew my way around Hamilton well still! I often was out buying things that we had forgotten or run out of!

Definitely a top notch affair.

Anywhos ... back to the drawing board. So much to do!! Mum and Dad arrive tomorrow night for a holiday, so I'm very looking forward to that - the first of my friends and whanau to whom I can show off my new digs!!

1 comment:

Marta Ager said...

God bless you in your new ministry. The Kingdom needs people like you. Keep faithful and follow...Blessings!