4 January 2008

Coming Home From My Summer Holiday...

Seems like a bit of a weird title considering I'm kinda not really home. Depending on your view of things. But I've left my "north" holiday in Hamilton/Waihi Beach/Rotorua and I'm back, albeit ever so briefly in Wellington, before leaving in the early hours of tomorrow morning to catch the ferry to move south to Christchurch. But enough of that ... time to reminisce ...

My final night at College was meant to be a prank night, and I had it planned, but alas it all turned nasty on me and I ended up the one being pranked by Robert. Thus, my pride is still hurt and I shall wait on telling you about that for another time.

Saturday morning before Christmas I drove to Hamilton, via stopping for shopping at the outlet stores in Otaki (if I'd known how good they were, I would have stopped more frequently in my two years living here!) and also at Wayne and Bridget's new place for lunch. It twas fab seeing their mansion (literally) and I've picked my room for when I stay. Isaac and Joel were fun to spend time with, and it turned out it was Bridget's birthday, so a great little break.

After that, I pretty much drove straight through to Hamilton, stopping for a drink at Taihape, and arrived at Mum and Dad's for a late dinner.

Spent the next few days just meandering round my old haunts, taking Matt Christmas shopping (seemingly a new tradition!), and catching up with friends.
Aunty Jocelyn, Uncle Ian and Olivia stayed with us from Christmas Eve, so they joined us for our family present opening and BBQ bfast with Popa. Lunch Uncle Wayne, Aunty Carolyn, Michael and Hannah added to the chaos at our house (nah... not really ... was fun spending time with them all!) and at dinner we went out to the farm for our Smith Christmas.

Boxing Day I took Olivia out to the sales ... nothing like shopping ... and even ran into an old guy (Joe) from the youth group I'd lost touch with years ago, which excited me much - I had been praying about him just recently and had asked God if I could run into him so was absolutely stoked.

Spent the next couple of days just resting, watching DVDs, reading books etc at Mum and Dads before heading over to Uncle Alister and Aunty Sue's bach at Waihi Beach for a few days, including New Years. Was great catching up with family again and friends I haven't seen in ages, and in particular Haley and her growing baby bump! We kind of had three New Years celebrations around midnight, because we weren't too sure who had the right time, but eventually conceded it must be 2008. (Scary - where are the years going!?)

Matt and I drove from there to Rotorua where we picked up Kelly, Lucy and Michael and then went to Blue Lake to spend the day with Jaci, Carl and Joel and Jac's whanau. They've been like a second family to me growing up so was awesome to spend time with them, and play around with Levi and Joel.

Then Matt and I stayed the night with my cousin Linda and her family before I went and met up with Jaci and Carl again to head out to Lake Rotoiti where we met up with Sue, Simon and the girls. Much fun heading out on the boat into the island hot pools. Nice. Methinks I'm slightly browner than when I left. (I do mean slightly!)

Then I drove back to the 'Tron, where I spent my last day running around doing final errands, catching up with the Siufangas and Rachel, before flying down this morning.

Anywho, that's the basic gist. Had a few great laughs etc, and will post some photos at a later date, but my fingers are getting tired and I'm sure you've had enough of reading my bleating. I just now need to figure some way of getting everything to fit into my car somehow ready for the morning .... eh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work... love to read about the goings on... even if does make me look bad due to my lack of posts on mine!