
What if they put it into the wrong place?
What if I develop some kind of allergy?
Does this nurse/doctor/needle person really know what s/he is doing?
Okay, so I am taking it to the extremes (or in the words of Perry: HYPOCONDRIAC!) but ever since I went on medication for my epilepsy, I always wonder how any other medication will react with it, and yes, often the worst case scenario goes through my head.
But the grand thing of this influenza stabbing session was that Janine gave me one of those Sally Pop-Up cards (you NZers know what I mean!!) and it said:
"See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands..."
Isaiah 49:16
And that became my promise. Nice to know that I'm always on God's mind, eh?
P.S. It really wasn't all that bad. I'm known to exaggerate a tad. inFLUenza is bad. Get immunised.
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