23 February 2007

The Strategic Plan Launch in Christchurch

I'm not going to go into depth about what I think about the Launch.

Probably the highlight for me was catching up with my friends and other friendly faces whom I haven't seen in weeks - and yes, I confess, I do miss! It was a little crazy seeing so many people you know all in one place, yet there were also many I had never seen before.

Most went home on Tuesday following the launch, except those of us serving in theSouthern Division (the whole South Island as of this year) who stayed for Officers Councils. Then I stayed another day, to catch up with Bronwyn. I also got to catch up today for lunch with my cousin Blair, who has just moved to Christchurch last weekend to begin university. He's growing up so fast, even in the year since I left Hamilton; and I know he will grow much more this year. I'm very proud of him and it was wonderful to have a catch up and see how things are with him.

I might write later, but it's just passed midnight and it's been a loooooong week and I'm a little shattered. So for now, adios!

PHOTOS After the Launch, I stayed on an extra couple of days for Officers Councils and other Army meetings. In the evening one night, I took the girls down to the playground. Kendal, Monique and (below sharing the swing with Niquey) is Rosie.
Above: Karen and Shaun share an icecream in the Central city and the next day at our Sessional Lunch, Kevin and Sue in deep discussions.

1 comment:

CheekyUkie said...

It was cool catching up with ya too mate and yes I did notice ur haircut... maybe next time you should try da new Britney Spears hair-do hehe