25 December 2008

Christmas Day 2008

As I sit here to write this, I have each of my parents asleep on my two couches, Popa and Aunty Val asleep on two lazyboys and Matt on the other playing Wii. In all honesty, I have been looking forward to these holidays for months: not just to finally have a break, but to show off to my darling brother my new digs. (He has been to broke to afford to come down until now, when Mum and Dad shouted him!)

I just walked in front of Matt who sarcastically snapped at me for walking as slow as possible between him and the TV screen. For once I didn't even do this on purpose, but a day filled of food, and eyes battling to stay open had me wandering in lala land and so fortunately we didn't have an exchange of sarcastic comments that would have been the case several years ago. I just rolled my eyes and smiled as I reflect on how quickly we slip back into our family roles, no matter how long it has been since we moved out and became real life grown-ups!

Anywho, with all that said and done, and me now wondering if it made any sense, it's been a good day. We got up early and went to help set up at Belfast for a Christmas Pancake Service. Niiiice. After a carol sing and quick tidy up (especially in comparison to the set up) we were home opening presents. Matt is a little gutted cos two out of the three birthday/Christmas presents he got me I already have. Hopefully he has learnt it is risky to buy a CD/DVD/Book lover any of the above when you live so far away you have no idea what they already own. But he obviously tried hard and has good taste so I convinced Mum to buy them off me, and we will use that money to buy something else "from Matt" that I would like.

Anywho, then we went for lunch at Sequoia 88, a nice restaurant where we ate too much and hence now are struggling for the land of the living and awake. Okay, the others have since succumbed, and shortly I will also.

That brings us pretty much up to date, so all that is left to say is: Feliz Navidad!! I want to wish you a merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

21 October 2008

T3 Continued...

So for some reason, the photos wouldn't get put on that last post, so here's another try...

T3 in Melbourne

Nothing like having a work trip overseas!! And even more awesome because the Territorial Youth Team at the mo are absolutely brilliant people. So here's some photos of us (Jules, Mat, Stewart, Rebecca, Karen, Barry, Leslie and I) in the land of the Koala, Kookaburra and Kangaroo...
(To clarify, we went over for a Tri-Territorial DYS and DCMO's Conference - with our counterparts from both Australian territories, Fiji and Tonga. Great times...)

Kids, don't try this (above) at home ... or in a hotel dining room ...

And then, below ... is Jules: agent of truth.

9 October 2008

First Year Reviews...Photos of the Kids

Yeah, believe it or not, but we've been out in SA officer ministry for a year, so they brought us back to BCM for a review ... and of course, the highlight was on seeing everyone again.

1 October 2008

A Surprise Encouragement

So I'm sitting back at my old haunts at BCM for my First Year Review and something happened yesterday that I must confess made me stop and give thanks to God for His encouragement and to express my amazement at how He works all things together.

We're sitting around ... all seven of GFWs, plus the Tiko, Stu, Kylie and two aux-captain couples.

After I did my little speel on "My first year", one of the aux-captains interrupted and asked if I was in the youth group at Hamilton 13-14 years ago. (I was, just.) Apparently, he remembers me from a visit we did to his town back then. And apparently our visit was his first encounter with The Salvation Army and we were instrumental in him joining and eventually becoming an officer.

While this might not seem like a big deal to you, I confess to shedding a few tears. Sometimes it just feels like I'm working so hard to see God's Kingdom grow and at times I wonder if we are actually making a difference. And here is a guy that little old 13-14 year old me impacted (only through God of course!) and who has now done years of missionary service and is helping to share the life-transforming power of Jesus with others!

What a cool encouragement and reminder that God uses everyone and anything to reach people, and often we have no idea how we are being used!

My only prayer is that when I get to Heaven I will meet thousands more who say, "Corryn, due in part to your obedience to the Father, I am here." Wow. Talk about rewards!

25 August 2008

The Kids .... Invercargill and Nelson

The Shack

So I haven't read as many books in recent years as I used to (I think doing tertiary study kind of knocks you on the head!) but Karen highly recommended this book to me a couple of months ago, so I bought it but only recently (like last weekend) got around to reading it and whoa. It was like all of the lessons that God has been teaching me were again brought up here - and more!

I don't usually go around recommending books left, right and centre, but for this one I will make an exception.

The Shack is written like a story, with Mack's (the main character) daughter being abducted and murdered in a shack. Then, several years later, he gets a letter from God inviting Mack to meet him ... in the shack.

I won't go into further detail because I don't want to spoil the story for you ... but if you are looking for a good - nah, GREAT - book to read, go get yourself a copy of this one.

I have been fully challenged on my religosity and reminded again that God is all about relationship. Currently, my copy has already been passed to a friend to read, but this is one book I am seriously looking at buying for birthday presents! And already I can't wait to read it again!!

22 July 2008


Just before flying home to Christchurch, Mum and I stopped by my Popa's resthome so I could say hello. At 94, he is doing well, but has most definitely aged since the last time I saw him in (I think) April.

But he cracked me up nonetheless... when talking about Nana, Popa mentioned how beautiful she was. As Nana and I are familiar-looking, I asked what he thought about me and he managed to fit all the adjectives into one.... improving. Mum and I laughed hilariously!

3 July 2008


God loves with a great love the man whose heart is bursting with a passion for the impossible.

(William Booth)

I Nose Best

Frustration and Grace

There's an ad on TV at the moment where a little boy looks up at his mum doing the laundry and says, "Mum, what's frustrating?"

In honesty, in recent weeks my frustration levels have been steadily increasing ... be it by certain people, situations, geographical distances ... it's only been by God's grace I haven't blown my top completely.

I have been gently rebuked by God in the last few days abut my frustrations with people who shalt remain nameless, and gently reminded that, just like me, these people are on a journey. And actually what I perceive might not be what is really going on underneath the surface. Like what I see as arrogance, might actually be a wall erected to protect themselves from vulnerability.

Then Bucko mentioned that his favourite word was 'grace'. And it got me thinking again ... what a great word it is, incredible in fact, and how I want people to extend grace to me for my failings and weaknesses, but how quick I am to extend judgment, instead of grace towards others. And that's not a Christ-like characteristic at all.

So I sit here before you, acknowledging I am but a flawed human being, but renewing my resolution to extend the grace God has shown me towards others. And funnily enough, since I resolved to live a life of grace .... those frustrations seem to be disappearing.

27 June 2008

9 June 2008

We're all [in the snow] together...

Saturday was a day marked on my calendar for a very long time .... along with Shelley, Reuben and several of the youth from Christchurch City, I was going to see Disney's HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL ON ICE!!

The day arrived ... I wrapped up warmly and picked up Shell and Reubs for the big event of our week. Now I know I am a grown up, but when it started (despite cheesy American announcer guy) ... I was flippin' excited!!! I tapped my toes, bopped my head, clapped in time with all the others ... and even thought ... if only I'd taken up ice skating ... (there are many reasons that didn't happen!)

And would you believe that in the intermission ... between Breaking Free and You are the Music in Me .... Shelley, Emma and I were all texted to be told it was snowing outside. Very exciting news for us northerners who had never lived in a place where it actually snowed before!!

But trust me, the moment we stepped outside the doors of the Westpac Arena, we were very much greeted with a temperature that had told us it was the truth. And there was snow on my car!! (Unfortunately I had forgotten my camera.)

Ever so slowly I drove out to Belfast to drop of Shelley and Reuben ... and it was a miracle keeping Reub in the car, let me tell you .... someone was very excited by the white stuff all over the trees, plants, cars ... and it only got heavier the closer we got to Belfast.

Alas, at my place, there was just a very heavy frost. Something about being too close to the ocean :( but I managed to snap some photos on the way to, and at, church the next morning (though it doesn't look half as impressive as it did the night before!) ....
The Belfast Sallies
At the Belfast corps
Sim the drummer

At Northwoods

Snowfight: Jessica (?) and Micah

3 June 2008

A Little Catch Up On Life...

To all my superfans out there who keep coming to check out my blog ... I apologise profusely for my apparent slackness in keeping you up to date with my world, but things have been a little crazy as of late.

I guess I should firstly mention the new arrival at my abode of Juanita, my flatmate (We are pictured to the left). Ai, she finally caved to the pressure and moved in her belongings into one of my spare rooms (or, as Mr Tumnus would call it, Spare Oom.) We are still talking to each other three weeks later, so it appears all will work out well on that front. I'm enjoying having another person around the place, and I have attempted to make her feel like part of the family by talking her ear off every night and jumping on her every morning to make sure she makes the most out of her weekend.

I have also got my car back, nice and fixed, though through some stupid law, it turns out I was at fault at the accident, so I had to pay the $500 excess. I was not amused.

Work has been really busy, and I kind of got a little too stressed the other weekend, so added to some dodgy spaghetti that I digested, I ended up very sick the other weekend. At least until I vomited. Then I felt a whole lot better, outside of the fact I had to change my sheets. (Just what you want to hear, I know!)

I've also been exploring new parts of Christchurch ... and learning faster ways of getting around town, which is thrilling. I'm feeling way more at home - though I refuse to don any red and black gear unless yellow is in the get up also - GO CHIEFS!

Anywho with that, I better get back to it. Laters.

29 April 2008

Daniel and Sam's Wedding


Just because I seem to like making life more difficult (and expensive) for myself, after dropping Blair off at his flat last Thursday night, I had a little ding. I'm letting the insurance companies fight it out. Technically, I wasn't at fault but they suggest legally I am. Yip ... one of THOSE accidents. Sigh.

And with Southern 7s and Daniel and Sam's wedding, it couldn't have happened at a worse time. (Don't test me on that, Lord!)

24 April 2008

In the words of Catherine Booth

I know not what He is about to do with me, but I have given myself entirely into His hands.

Catherine Booth

1 March 2008

Breaking In and Entering

So I've been back in Wellington this week for meetings with various people, and have been staying with my Midland counterpart, Rebecca, back at Booth College of Mission.

Then yesterday, we moved across campus into Karen (our Central courtpart) and Shaun's spare bedrooms. But since noone else was moving in, we kind of took our time moving out. Like Rebecca hadn't still until this afternoon.

Karen and I ended up doing some retail therapy in Lower Hutt, leaving Bec going to visit her friends. Rebecca left a message that she had finished tidying/cleaning up our previous unit but I had to finish the dishes. Easy enough, so you'd think.

So when we get back to College, I run over to our unit, let myself in with the key I still have and notice in the bedrooms that there are bags and suitcases I don't recognise. So I ring Karen, "Oh my gosh, someone has moved into our unit and I haven't finished the dishes!" and while on the phone, in walks a woman who heard my entry!

I hung up on Karen, and in between my giggles (my nervous reaction) I tried to explain why I was standing in her foyer on her phone, before drying dishes at record speed and escaping out the door I came in.

Oh, only in the world of Corryn!!

19 February 2008

Dentists, Travelling and New Things.

It's hard to believe I've so far lived in Chch 6 weeks and have racked up more kms in travel than I dare to work out ... I've been as far north (in the division) as Nelson, visiting Dunedin this weekend, and finally trekked (albeit not that far) to Akaroa FINALLY ... which was where my great, great, great grandfather and his whanau arrived on the Comte de Paris from France in August 1840. We even found the last of his earthly remains - albeit he was very dead. Ashes to ashes. RIP Joseph Libeau.

Mum and Dad went back to Hamilton on Saturday and it's weird now with nothing to look forward to (as in none of my northern whanau or friends visiting) ... at least until to the arrival of the Benefields in June. That does exclude my visit to Hamilton at the end of April for my cousin's wedding.

But I get to go back to BCM for just under a week at the end of February for Candidates QIWP, Youth QIWP and then the Cadets Welcome and I am so looking forward to seeing some of my Wellington whanau again.

I'm not feeling the best today and what with a toothache (dentist tomorrow whoop whoop!) I must confess I am guilty of having a little pity party and I had a little cry and told God I'd had enough of the new things. Which is true - I'm sick of going to new places and meeting new people, and visiting my new corps, new Bible Study, working out my new job and new passwords, driving around new streets in a new city, sussing out new shops and new malls ... not to mention finding a new dentist and doctor and hairdresser! They were a big adventure the first couple of weeks. Now I've had enough. I'm ready for a little bit of monotony - even if it just means sleeping in the same bed for seven consecutive nights! (A feat I've only attained once since leaving College before Christmas!!

However, God has been good throughout it all ... and hasn't given up on me yet (and thankfully isn't going to!) Despite the weeds beginning to show in the garden and the rubbish needing to be put out for tomorrows collection (something I've managed to miss all weeks I've been in Chch bar 2!)

Here's to hopefully soon finding routine. And a cheap dentist.

More Make Change and Parachute Photos as I add them...

Mat and Jules

Juanita, Josh and Cameron
Switchfoot at Parachute
Nicky's party trick

4 February 2008

Make Change Photos

Matt, Sam and Jacobme with Hannah and Emma
Shar, me, Karen and Bec

These are the Days of our Lives

It seems like I hit the ground running and I haven't yet come up for air - this is the best description of my first month in Christchurch. I pretty much arrived, then within a week took off north for Make Change and Parachute, and arrived back in the middle of last week, went back to the officer, spent the weekend at the Linwood Corps Camp, and here I am again, with Nelson looming on the horizon.

Make Change and Parachute were awesome. I met heaps of the youth from down this way - even if I didn't realise there was any from Blenheim or Belfast until the final Sunday - oops! God fully showed up at Make Change (as we had prayed for!) and heck ... well, it's hard to put into words aye sometimes all that happens. But God is good and He is faithful and He met me as well as many young people there and spoke pretty powerfully into our lives.

It was cool catching up with so many old friends from around the country, and of course, making new ones, though I found it quite strange to be at this event that I hadn't really been part of organising but was labelled as part of the team because of my new role. But I tried to help out where I could, and it was definitely helpful that I knew my way around Hamilton well still! I often was out buying things that we had forgotten or run out of!

Definitely a top notch affair.

Anywhos ... back to the drawing board. So much to do!! Mum and Dad arrive tomorrow night for a holiday, so I'm very looking forward to that - the first of my friends and whanau to whom I can show off my new digs!!

4 January 2008

Coming Home From My Summer Holiday...

Seems like a bit of a weird title considering I'm kinda not really home. Depending on your view of things. But I've left my "north" holiday in Hamilton/Waihi Beach/Rotorua and I'm back, albeit ever so briefly in Wellington, before leaving in the early hours of tomorrow morning to catch the ferry to move south to Christchurch. But enough of that ... time to reminisce ...

My final night at College was meant to be a prank night, and I had it planned, but alas it all turned nasty on me and I ended up the one being pranked by Robert. Thus, my pride is still hurt and I shall wait on telling you about that for another time.

Saturday morning before Christmas I drove to Hamilton, via stopping for shopping at the outlet stores in Otaki (if I'd known how good they were, I would have stopped more frequently in my two years living here!) and also at Wayne and Bridget's new place for lunch. It twas fab seeing their mansion (literally) and I've picked my room for when I stay. Isaac and Joel were fun to spend time with, and it turned out it was Bridget's birthday, so a great little break.

After that, I pretty much drove straight through to Hamilton, stopping for a drink at Taihape, and arrived at Mum and Dad's for a late dinner.

Spent the next few days just meandering round my old haunts, taking Matt Christmas shopping (seemingly a new tradition!), and catching up with friends.
Aunty Jocelyn, Uncle Ian and Olivia stayed with us from Christmas Eve, so they joined us for our family present opening and BBQ bfast with Popa. Lunch Uncle Wayne, Aunty Carolyn, Michael and Hannah added to the chaos at our house (nah... not really ... was fun spending time with them all!) and at dinner we went out to the farm for our Smith Christmas.

Boxing Day I took Olivia out to the sales ... nothing like shopping ... and even ran into an old guy (Joe) from the youth group I'd lost touch with years ago, which excited me much - I had been praying about him just recently and had asked God if I could run into him so was absolutely stoked.

Spent the next couple of days just resting, watching DVDs, reading books etc at Mum and Dads before heading over to Uncle Alister and Aunty Sue's bach at Waihi Beach for a few days, including New Years. Was great catching up with family again and friends I haven't seen in ages, and in particular Haley and her growing baby bump! We kind of had three New Years celebrations around midnight, because we weren't too sure who had the right time, but eventually conceded it must be 2008. (Scary - where are the years going!?)

Matt and I drove from there to Rotorua where we picked up Kelly, Lucy and Michael and then went to Blue Lake to spend the day with Jaci, Carl and Joel and Jac's whanau. They've been like a second family to me growing up so was awesome to spend time with them, and play around with Levi and Joel.

Then Matt and I stayed the night with my cousin Linda and her family before I went and met up with Jaci and Carl again to head out to Lake Rotoiti where we met up with Sue, Simon and the girls. Much fun heading out on the boat into the island hot pools. Nice. Methinks I'm slightly browner than when I left. (I do mean slightly!)

Then I drove back to the 'Tron, where I spent my last day running around doing final errands, catching up with the Siufangas and Rachel, before flying down this morning.

Anywho, that's the basic gist. Had a few great laughs etc, and will post some photos at a later date, but my fingers are getting tired and I'm sure you've had enough of reading my bleating. I just now need to figure some way of getting everything to fit into my car somehow ready for the morning .... eh.